Motor vehicle collisions can occur for an infinite variety of different reasons. A sinkhole can suddenly develop on a rural road, causing an impassable obstacle. A vehicle with an unknown defect could suddenly fail in traffic.
Unforeseeable circumstances can cause crashes, but the average collision is the result of more banal scenarios. The small choices that people make in traffic can add up to significantly increase the overall risk of a wreck. Certain factors have a particularly strong association with crash risk, including the following.
Nighttime driving
When looking at a review of collision statistics, the time at which a crash occurs has an effect on the likely severity of the incidents. Fatal collisions are more likely late at night. Factors including driver fatigue, reduced visibility and the increased prevalence of impaired drivers may contribute to the likelihood of more severe crashes occurring after the sun sets. The National Safety Council recognizes that nighttime is the most dangerous time to be on the road.
The speed of the vehicles
Crashes can occur on interstates or at intersections in residential neighborhoods. However, crashes on surface streets are often less severe because of the speed of the vehicles at the time of the incident. The higher the speed of the vehicles, the more severe the consequences of any crash that occurs. Those driving at higher speeds are also more likely to lose control due to hitting a slick patch of pavement or encountering an animal on the street.
Weather conditions
Technically, most people cannot avoid driving during regular spring rain, winter snow storms or other dangerous weather conditions. People still need to go to work and get their children to school even during times of heavy precipitation or fog. That being said, those who must drive during times of inclement weather have an obligation to adjust their conduct to reflect the degree of risk on the road. Reducing the speed of the vehicle and maintaining more space between vehicles could allow people to successfully navigate even the worst storm safely.
Motorists who recognize factors that increase their risk of a car crash can make choices that improve their overall safety in traffic. Drivers also need to understand common risk factors so that they can hold others accountable for unsafe conduct in the event of a wreck.